I am trying to get elements out of a simpleXML array and for some reason I am unable to call them.
Here is the array.
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[NameChangeIndicator] => N
[NameChangeDate] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[PreviousName] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[Score] => 53
[NumberOfSubs] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[NumberOfJU] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[DateLastJU] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[NumberActPrincipals] => 1
[NumberActPrincipalsJU] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[LastestBankCode] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[LastestBankCodeDate] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[NumberRDs] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[LiqIndicator] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[TotEnqLast12Mth] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[TotEnqLast3Mth] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[RefsNoOfReferences] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[RefsHighMthPurchases] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[RefsHighMthPurchasesTermGiven] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[RefsHighMthPurchasesTermTaken] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[RefsLowMthPurchases] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[RefsLowMthPurchasesTermGiven] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[RefsLowMthPurchasesTermTaken] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[KissNoOfSuppliers] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[KissNoOfODSuppliers] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[KissAmountOS] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[KissAmountOD] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[KissPercntage] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[LatestBankCodeDesc] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[HoldingCmpName] => SimpleXMLElement Object
So I am doing the following call to get the array.
$new_str = htmlspecialchars_decode($str);
$new_str = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>','',$new_str);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($new_str);
$dom = new SimpleXMLElement($new_str);
$xml_array = $dom->xpath("//*[name()='ReportSummary']");
echo "{$xml_array[0]['Score']}";
But I am unable to pull the object out of the Array. I am not sure if the array is being correctly sent back to me due to the fact that if I don't decode the string I don't get a array back. The weird thing is that in the array I keep on seeing "SimpleXMLElement Object" and I am not sure if that is correct.
Any help will be appreciated.