I'm doing a wordpress theme and I'm trying to create some margins between a thumbnail and a post title on the recent posts on my sidebar. I tried everything but it just won't work. Any tips?
<?php $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts();
foreach( $recent_posts as $recent ){
if ( has_post_thumbnail($recent["ID"])) {
echo '<li style=" list-style: none; ">
<a class="post-title" href="' . get_permalink($recent["ID"]) . '" title="Look '.esc_attr($recent["post_title"]).'" >' . get_the_post_thumbnail($recent["ID"], 'thumbnail').$recent["post_title"].'</a></li> ';
echo '<li style=" list-style: none; ">
<a class="post-title" href="' . get_permalink($recent["ID"]) . '" title="Look '.esc_attr($recent["post_title"]).'" >' . $recent["post_title"].'</a></li> ';