EDIT: PDO appears to have an issue with the French character in the column name Unité
. Is there a solution to this, or do I need to rename the column in the database?
SELECT statements work with PDO, but the INSERT statement does not.
Connection string:
$dbCon = new PDO("mysql:host=".$host.";dbname=".$dbName.";charset=utf8", $username, $password);
Working SELECT statement:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM availability WHERE event_id=:postID';
$stmt = $dbCon->prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
Non-functioning INSERT statement:
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `availability` (`event_id`,`Nom`,`Address`,`Address2`,`Tel1`,`Tel2`,`Tel3`,`Classement`,`Soleil`,`Unité`,`Dispo`,`Ville`,`Type`,`URL`,`Jour1`,`Jour2`,`Jour3`,`Jour4`,`Jour5`,`Jour6`,`Jour7`,`Jour8`,`Jour9`,`Jour10`,`Jour11`,`Jour12`,`Jour13`,`Jour14`,`Jour15`,`visible`) (SELECT :postID,`Nom`,`Address`,`Address2`,`Tel1`,`Tel2`,`Tel3`,`Classement`,`Soleil`,`Unité`,`Dispo`,`Ville`,`Type`,`URL`,`Jour1`,`Jour2`,`Jour3`,`Jour4`,`Jour5`,`Jour6`,`Jour7`,`Jour8`,`Jour9`,`Jour10`,`Jour11`,`Jour12`,`Jour13`,`Jour14`,`Jour15`,`visible` FROM `default_hotels`)';
$stmt = $dbCon->prepare($sql);
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
Another working SELECT statement:
$sql = 'SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE id=:postID';
$stmt = $dbCon->prepare($sql);
$records = $stmt->fetchAll();
All of the statements appear in this order in my script. The variables are re-used and not cleared.
The SQL INSERT statement that I provided works when submitted through phpmyadmin but not PDO.