dpdbu24262 2015-01-21 12:02
浏览 38

当DLO未加载时,Magento Cron作业失败

I am trying to run the Magento Cron job but get this error message. I checked phpinfo() which shows everything should be loaded and the get_loaded_extensions() shows => PDO [27] => pdo_mysql [28] => pdo_sqlite [29]

Any thoughts what I can do next to find the cause?

Thanks, Chris

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception' with
message 'The PDO extension is required for this adapter but the extension is
not loaded' in /home/k117235a/domains/greenman-chris.eu/private_html/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php:342
Stack trace: 
#0 /home/k117235a/domains/greenman-chris.eu/private_html/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(248): 
#1 /home/k117235a/domains/greenman-chris.eu/private_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Resource.php(175): 
#2 /home/k117235a/domains/greenman-chris.eu/private_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Resource.php(110): 
Mage_Core_Model_Resource->_newConnection('pdo_mysql', Object(Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element))
#3 /home/k117235a/domains/greenman-chris.eu/private_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Resource/Db/Abstract.php(320): 
#4 /home/k117235a/domains/greenman-chris.eu/private_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Resource/Db/Abstract 
in /home/k117235a/domains/greenman-chris.eu/private_html/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php 
on line 342
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  • donglan9517 2015-01-21 12:12

    Probably you are checking the phpinfo() from the browser, but the extension might be loaded just for apache/nginx, and not for commandline, which is how I'm assuming the cronjob php file will run.

    Check that the extension is enabled for CLI, typically in the following location:

    /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/20-pdo_mysql.ini (the name might not be exactly the same)

    It might be only on /etc/php5/apache2/ or /etc/php5/php-fpm/

    You can just copy it from the other locations or create a new file with the following content:


    After that check that the extension is loaded by running from command-line:

    php -i | grep pdo

    If it's loaded you should see some output and the cronjob should now work.

    I hope it helps.

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