I am working on my themes options panel (in administration/backend) and I am struggling with radio buttons.
I followed this tutorial: https://github.com/cferdinandi/wp-theme-options/ for creating radio buttons. They are now in themes options but I don't know how to make output of it into themes frontend.
I want just to try to echo
the value of radio buttons form but I don't know the name of the variable in which it is saved.
Normally in php I would do it like so: if ($_POST['NAME']=="VALUE1") { echo "Some text here"; }
With text fields I use just it: <?php echo $options['csscolor_setting']; ?>
(in for example header.php)
And in functions.php i have:
function csscolor_setting() {
$options = get_option('theme_options'); echo "<input name='theme_options[csscolor_setting]' type='text' value='{$options['csscolor_setting']}' />";
But it's not possible with radio buttons. For now it would be enough if I know how to make some code like this real:
<?php if ($some_variable == 'yes')
{echo 'Something';}
Or just <?php echo $some_variable; ?>
But this $some_variable I can't find in my code.
Here is my code in functions.php regarding to radio buttons.
add_settings_field( 'sample_radio_buttons', __( 'Allow triangles in background?', 'YourTheme' ), 'YourTheme_settings_field_sample_radio_buttons', 'theme_options', 'general' );
Creating options for radio buttons field
function YourTheme_sample_radio_button_choices() {
$sample_radio_buttons = array(
'yes' => array(
'value' => 'yes',
'label' => 'Yes'
'no' => array(
'value' => 'no',
'label' => 'No'
return apply_filters( 'YourTheme_sample_radio_button_choices', $sample_radio_buttons );
Creating sample radio buttons field
function YourTheme_settings_field_sample_radio_buttons() {
$options = YourTheme_get_theme_options();
foreach ( YourTheme_sample_radio_button_choices() as $button ) {
<div class="layout">
<label class="description">
<input type="radio" name="YourTheme_theme_options[sample_radio_buttons]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $button['value'] ); ?>" <?php checked( $options['sample_radio_buttons'], $button['value'] ); ?> />
<?php echo $button['label']; ?>
Getting the current options from the database and setting deafaults.
function YourTheme_get_theme_options() {
$saved = (array) get_option( 'YourTheme_theme_options' );
$defaults = array(
'sample_checkbox' => 'off',
'sample_text_input' => '',
'sample_select_options' => '',
'sample_radio_buttons' => 'yes',
'sample_textarea' => '',
$defaults = apply_filters( 'YourTheme_default_theme_options', $defaults );
$options = wp_parse_args( $saved, $defaults );
$options = array_intersect_key( $options, $defaults );
return $options;
Then there is a little bit more code about sanitization and validation but I think it should not have any inffluence on variable in form.
Thank you in advance.