dt2015 2013-11-03 12:00
浏览 46

网页模型(构建动态网络的方法) - 安全性和实用(清晰度)视图

What are advantages and dissadvantages of this specific approaches to view the pages to user according the url?
As far as I know there are two basic approaches to build webpage:

  1. www.whatever.com/index.php?page=userProfil.php
  2. www.whatever.com/userProfil.php

    Well I call the points 1 and 2 models and suppose I want to use php + mysql + apache + clientside javascript (for user checking) - just for background info. If I use sererlets, jsp and Tomcat the the basic thoughts of the model would be almost same but I think some little differences would be there. So end it by my platform is php +mysql ...

    Another thing is that for the purpose of security and future proof (changing platform from php to another) is not good idea (heard that) to show the ".php" or ".html" or whatever file type it is.

    So there is option to use this (for pretty url):
  3. www.whatever.com/userProfile/

If I googled well its called mod_rewrite and I use some rules to transform my models (see add 1 and 2) to the add 3.
And let's be honnest I don't actually understand a lot to the add 3 for now.


  • I think the models 1 and 2 I could call "file structure models". I mean add1 I have one page (one file) and include some modules. So in add 1 I call one file every time. Add 2 I have new file for every page. Hence for add 2 I call multiple file - for different page different file.
  • For add 3 the points 1 and 2 are kinda hidden for user - which I think is good, cause he don't know my file structrure (its + for security) and it look better and its better user readable.

Conclusion and the QUESTION:

  • Advantages and dissadvantages of add 1 and 2 - the file structure

  • Advantages and dissadvantages of add 3

  • Basic overview abouve add 1 and 2 combined with add 3 (1,2 file struture + add 3 is how to look like)

  • I know how to use add 1 and 2, so I probably use one of it and later I wanna add the add 3 (when I lear it) - is it possible?

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  • douchou8935 2013-11-03 14:20

    First approach has an obvious security issue: it's clear to the malicious user that you're including a file based on user input, so you should properly sanitize your page variable and be sure that files containing sensitive data like passwords aren't available for inclusion (i.e. leave out only alphanumeric charactes in page [no ., .., /, null-byte, unicode special chars etc.], allow only '.php' file extension to be included, place sensitive data not in the same directory as calling script or even outside www-root and more, and more).

    Second approach is better IMO, there's no explicit file inclusion. But it shows that you're using PHP which isn't necessariliy bad, but theoretically can narrow the search for possible vulnerabilities for an attacker (imagine someone discovers a critical vulnerability in PHP and then sites all over the world get nuked because script kiddies search for victims via Google with inurl:index.php).

    Both ways have their SEO issues (the first has more gotchas than the second). Like if you wish to migrate to another platform, as you wrote, you'll either need to emulate '.php' extensions or lose some traffic due to URL changes (even if setting up redirects).

    I personally prefer the third approach. It isn't much difficult to set up on an Apache server and basically requires a few lines in .htaccess (you can customize everything, of course):

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

    After introducing these lines you'll get all requests to non-existent files being fed to your index.php. Then you need to parse and sanitize $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable in your application and retrieve a page from database or from a file or from anywhere else. This way you'll get pretty SEO-friendly URLs and disclose less information to attackers (at least to inexperienced ones, there are plenty of other ways to know which platform your site runs on than looking at file extensions).




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