doutuo7609 2013-08-06 18:16
浏览 44


I have a server with many sites in different joomla versions, I need with the new joomla 3.0 update the php. I currently use the php 5.2.4 and joomla 3 requires 5.3.x minimum

My question is update the php affect the others sites?, in the server are pages from joomla 1.5, 1.6 , 1.7 and 2.5

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  • dsdfd2322 2013-08-06 19:58

    You should have no problems with your joomla 1.6+ sites, since that version was made for php5. Besides, they're all upgradable to 2.5. I'm not so sure about your joomla 1.5 sites, though. If you're running the latest joomla version that came out, you should be mostly fine, but you could face some problems, specially with extensions because 1.5 only required php4. What I would suggest is that you install a new php instance and control through htaccess what instance every site runs.


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