So here's the code on the first page:
$db = mysql_connect(
if(!$db) die("Error connecting to MySQL database.");
mysql_select_db('onlineform', $db);
$newQuery1 = mysql_query("SELECT newCampSessions FROM onlineformdata ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") or die('Error ' . mysql_error());
$newFoo = mysql_fetch_array($newQuery1);
$newQuery2 = mysql_query("SELECT pricePerWeek FROM onlineformdata ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") or die('Error ' . mysql_error());
$newFoo1 = mysql_fetch_array($newQuery2);
$newOldString = $newFoo['newCampSessions'];
$newOldString2 = $newFoo1['pricePerWeek'];
$newChangedString = unserialize($newOldString);
$newChangedString2 = unserialize($newOldString2);
<head> (all the tags in here) </head>
<form id="paymentform" action="amd8.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="pricePerWeek" value="<?php echo $newChangedString2 ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="specificWeek" value="<?php echo $newChangedString ?>"/>
There's more to the first page, but I just provided the codes that are relevant. Everything is working php-wise on the first page.
When I try and pass it onto the 2nd page, I'm getting a value of NULL for those specific arrays I'm trying to pass over.
if ($_POST['formSubmit'] == "Submit")
$newString = $_POST['pricePerWeek'];
$newString2 = $_POST['specificWeek'];
$db = mysql_connect(
if(!$db) die("Error connecting to MySQL database.");
mysql_select_db('onlineform', $db);
$newQuery = mysql_query("SELECT newPrice,numberOfWeeks FROM onlineformdata ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
$newRow = mysql_fetch_row($newQuery);
$limit = $newRow[1];
$totalPrice = 0;
if (isset($_SESSION['campsessions']))
for ($count == 0; $count < $limit; $count=$count+1)
foreach ($_SESSION['campsessions'] as $campsessions)
if ($campsessions == ($newString[$count]))
$totalPrice = $totalPrice + $newString2[$count];
<head>(header info)</head>
<?php echo gettype($newString2);
echo gettype($newString);
As you can see, the gettypes()
I'm trying to echo are the ones that are giving me a value of NULL