I need some help figuring out why the following scenario does not work. I'm trying to retrieve a value from the last updated ID in mysql, then pass that value via javascript over to an ajax call which calls a .php page, which also calls another function "ZEND_emaiL" in a different php page.
In the very first php page that retrieves the id from mysql LAST_INSERT_ID(), if I hard code the value "100" it works, but if I use the value returned from LAST_INSERT_ID() it causes a failure.
Here's the php code for the LAST_INSERT_ID():
$last_updated_id = $db->get_var( $sql );
$last_updated_id = $last_updated_id+0;//make int
echo $last_updated_id; //send output back to the ajax call
var_dump($last_updated_id); ------------->RETURNS **int 149**
if I send back a hard coded "100" like this: echo 100;
then it works.
Any ideas? Thanks for your help in advance.
The following are values retrieved from the php page that contains the ZEND_email() function. I grabbed these for debugging purposes hoping it would help.
RETURN VALUES for Hard Coded:
var_dump($n_id);---------->Returns **int 100**
var_dump($sqlresult);----->Returns **resource 24**
var_dump($row);----------->Returns **array of data to parse through**
RETURN VALUES FOR Passed in Variable (Fails):
function ZEND_email($to, $from="", $subject="", $msg="", $notif_id='', $root_dir="")
var_dump($notif_id);---------------------->RETURNS **string '100'**
$notif_id = $notif_id+0;//convert to int
var_dump($notif_id);---------------------->RETURNS **int 100**
$n_id = $notif_id;
$xsql = $sql_str->SQL_SELECT_all_notif_attachments($account_id, $n_id);
var_dump($n_id);---------------->RETURNS **int 100**
var_dump($sqlresult);----------->RETURNS **resource 24**
var_dump($row);----------------->RETURNS **boolean false**