I'm trying to upload my Yii2 project to a server. When I try to load index.php
in the web folder, I got an error:
with message 'Classyii\base\model
not found'.
I understand that Yii2 haven't found the model, but I don't know why it happened. I can't also get in the other views. Do I need to change something else in the code?
This is Buscar model
class Buscar extends model // This is line 6 that was mentioned in the error
public $q, $m, $t, $p, $a;
public function rules()
["q", "match", "pattern" => '/^[0-9a-záéíóúñ\s]+$/i', 'message' => 'Sólo se aceptan letras y numeros'],
["m", "match", "pattern" => '/^[0-9a-záéíóúñ\s]+$/i', 'message' => 'Sólo se aceptan letras y numeros'],
["t", "match", "pattern" => '/^[0-9a-záéíóúñ\s]+$/i', 'message' => 'Sólo se aceptan letras y numeros'],
["p", "match", "pattern" => '/^[0-9a-záéíóúñ\s]+$/i', 'message' => 'Sólo se aceptan letras y numeros'],
["a", "match", "pattern" => '/^[0-9a-záéíóúñ\s]+$/i', 'message' => 'Sólo se aceptan letras y numeros'],
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'q' => "Buscar:", //esto aparece en index
'm' => "Buscar Monografia:",
't' => "Buscar Tesis:",
'p' => "Buscar Publicacion Periodica:",
'a' => "Buscar Articulos:"
I don't know if the error is in extends model
and should be extends Model