I implemented a function which connects to a merchant using the curl library for Codeigniter http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Curl_library. I finished the implementation and everything worked perfectly. However we now transfered the application to a Local Server. fresh installation of: Ubuntu Server 11.10 Php 3.5.6 Mysql 5.1 Apache 2
I'm using a static Ip configuration and I can connect to the internet. Using terminal I can ping sites like google, yahoo etc, however I cant Ping www.veripayment.com. I can open the website from other computers in the same network. But my ubuntu server cant.
Please keep in mind this works in our server.
$post_str = "action=payment&business="
// Send URL string via CURL
$backendUrl = "https://www.veripayment.com/integration/index.php";
$return = $this->curl->execute();
$result = array();
// Explode array where blanks are found
$resparray = explode(' ', $return);
if ($resparray)
// save results into an array
foreach ($resparray as $resp) {
$keyvalue = explode('=', $resp);
$result[$keyvalue[0]] = str_replace('"', '', $keyvalue[1]);
return $result;