douzhuo6931 2016-02-13 08:51
浏览 30

连接URL并在URL中显示图像PHP [关闭]

my question is how do you concatenate para1 and para2, and displays the image that is in the url for each of the data in the web1 array in PHP?

Here is an example of what I wanted.

From url1:

Please keep in mind that these urls are just an example of what I want to achieve.

{"Web 1": {
      "url1": {
        "para1": "",
        "para2": /jferf0923i092eijodsojs,
      "url2": { 
        "para1": "",
        "para2": asjdoisadj829332oijd,
      "url3": {
        "para1": "",
        "para2": assasdijoj21389445,

I appreciate your help! Cheers

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  • doumu5023 2016-02-13 09:22

    I assume this is roughly what you are looking for, at least it should give you a start:

    $catalog = [
        "Web 1" => [
            "url1" => [
                "para1" => "",
                "para2" => "jferf0923i092eijodsojs",
            "url2" => [
                "para1" => "",
                "para2" => "asjdoisadj829332oijd",
            "url3" => [
                "para1" => "",
                "para2" => "assasdijoj21389445",
    foreach ($catalog as $entry) {
        foreach ($entry as $url) {
            $imageUrl = sprintf('https://%s/%s', $url['para1'], $url['para2']);
            echo '<img src="' . $imageUrl . '">'."

    The output is valid html and should visualize the image when used inside an html page:

    <img src="">
    <img src="">
    <img src="">
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