I have the following PHP code, that is used to confirm the authorization token from the site where I'am calling the API
<title>EasyPay confirm</title>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div align="center">
<img src="images/wait.gif"></img>
<form action="https://easypaystg.easypaisa.com.pk/easypay/Confirm.jsf " method="POST" id="easyPayAuthForm">
<input name="auth_token" value="<?php echo $_GET['auth_token'] ?>" >
<input name="postBackURL" value="http://shopweb.windsorparking.com/php/index.php" hidden = "true"/>
<input value="confirm" type = "submit" name= "pay"/>
(function() {
The only Part that I want to chane to Coldfusion is
<input name="auth_token" value="<?php echo $_GET['auth_token'] ?>" >
Any Ideas How to get it done