dtn36013 2017-08-14 05:40
浏览 58


I need my page bargraph.html to get parameters like .../bargraph.html?di=xxxx&mn=yyyy and save the values of di and mn using a php script in a text file named cred.txt. The code I'm using for bargraph.html is

       $mobile_num = $_GET["mn"];
       $device_id = $_GET["di"];
       $file_name = "cred.txt";
       $location = "cred/".$file_name;
       $text = $mobile_num."
       $my_file = fopen($location, "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
       fwrite($my_file, $text);
       echo "response submitted successfully!";

The file named cred.txt is not created inside the cred/ directory and neither I get any errors. What am I doing wrong?

If the same thing can be done using JavaScript I'll use that instead of php for this purpose.

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  • douzhu3367 2017-08-14 06:16

    The question references bargraph.html - presumably the php code that you have is NOT on that page but a separate script? If that is the case then if you were to use exception handling to try to track down the issue it might help. Also, I have always found better success when using full paths as opposed to relative ones

        if( isset( $_GET['mn'], $_GET['di'] ) ){
                $mobile_num=filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'mn', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
                $device_id=filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'di', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
                    I have always found it is best to use a full path rather than relative
                    Change `path/to/` to the appropriate path
                $path=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/path/to/cred';
                /* If the path does not exist, warn user */
                if( !realpath( $path ) ){
                    throw new Exception( sprintf( 'Unable to find path: %s', $path ) );
                /* Can the chosen directory be read? */
                if( is_readable( $path ) && is_writable( $path ) ){
                    $file=$path . '/' . $filename;
                    #$text=$mobile_num . PHP_EOL . $mobile_num . PHP_EOL;
                    /* I think this is probably what you intended? */
                    $text=$device_id . PHP_EOL . $mobile_num . PHP_EOL;
                    $status=file_put_contents( $file, $text, FILE_APPEND | FILE_TEXT );
                    throw new Exception( $status ? sprintf('All good! Saved %s',$file) : sprintf('Error - unable to save %s',$file) );
                } else {
                        should set permissions if reading/writing of target folder failed
                        chmod($path,0777); etc
                    throw new Exception( sprintf( 'The path %s is either not readable or writable',$path ));
            }catch( Exception $e ){
                exit( $e->getMessage() );

    Using a plain HTML page you could send an ajax request to the above PHP script ( in code below called bargraph.php )

            <title>ajax-store credentials</title>
            <form id='bg'>
                <input type='text' name='mn' id='mn' placeholder='Mobile number: eg 0141 353 3874' />
                <input type='text' name='di' id='di' placeholder='Device ID: eg yellow banana' />
                <input type='button' id='bttn' value='Go' />
                    var mn=document.getElementById('mn').value;
                    var di=document.getElementById('di').value;
                    if( mn != '' && di != '' ){
                        var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
            <div id='status'></div>
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