I have a php file in this format:
$username = "root";
$password= "";
$db = "kamus1";
mysql_connect("localhost",$username,$password) or die("koneksi ke MySQL gagal");
mysql_select_db($db) or die ("koneksi ke dataBase gagal");
$doc = new DomDocument('1.0');
$root = $doc->createElement('movies');
$root = $doc->appendChild($root);
$arr = array();
//$query=mysql_query("select id,istilah,definisi from kamus_jaringan");
$query=mysql_query("select * from kamus_jaringan");
while($get_data = mysql_fetch_array($query))
foreach($get_data as $fieldname=>$fieldvalue)
$item = $doc->createElement('movie');
$item = $root->appendChild($item);
$item ->setAttribute("id",$get_data["id"]);
$item ->setAttribute("istilah",$get_data["istilah"]);
$item ->setAttribute("definisi",$get_data["definisi"]);
echo $doc->saveXML();
when this code is executed on the browser, the output of each of the data will be repeated up to six times. for example id, will repeat six times. I want the output to each of the data, only one time. please help