This question already has an answer here:
- How can I access an array/object? 4 answers
i have this array from json_decode
stdClass Object (
[coord] => stdClass Object (
[lon] => 8.97
[lat] => 51
[weather] => Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
[id] => 804
[main] => Clouds
[description] => overcast clouds
[icon] => 04d
[base] => stations
[main] => stdClass Object (
[temp] => 281.17
[pressure] => 1014
[humidity] => 87
[temp_min] => 280.93
[temp_max] => 281.48
[visibility] => 7000
[wind] => stdClass Object (
[speed] => 3.6
[deg] => 180
[clouds] => stdClass Object (
[all] => 90
[dt] => 1445499854
[sys] => stdClass Object (
[type] => 1
[id] => 4954
[message] => 0.0056
[country] => DE
[sunrise] => 1445493535
[sunset] => 1445530644
[id] => 2906244
[name] => Herbelhausen
[cod] => 200
i have get from it the description
but wen am trying to get the temp or pressure or humidity or speed i filed