I have a web form that uses an HTML5 canvas element to allow users to sign their name. When the form is submitted, all field values and the base64 string (e.g. "") containing the user's signature are processed and stored.
I'd like to fill my pdf template with the submitted data and write the signature to the form but I am struggling with the signature task.
I found one technique while researching that suggests I could write the signature as a pdf button using:
<< /T (button1)/APRef << /N << /F (http://www.yoursite.com/pfds/icons.pdf)/Name (icon3)>> >> >>
However, I can't manage to get this to work. I don't know if the signature must be prepared as .png, .pdf, or something else. (I can successfully generate a .png on the server, but haven't tried to apply it to the .pdf because I don't know if I need it.)
I am using pdftk to fill my template .pdf with the dynamic .fdf file. Do I need to perform any special preparations on the signature button? I think I read something about setting the Layout to "Icon Only."