dongwai4434 2017-08-02 17:59 采纳率: 0%
浏览 22

如何在三列中打印出数据? [关闭]

I want to print out a simple list of names from a mysql database into an html page that is using Bootstrap 3 css.

But rather than have one column with a long list I want to divide up the list in three columns ( on a desktop).

The code below does what I want but is not responsive. If I shrink the page all the names overlap. How can I print out the list in a responsive page (with three colums for desktop and perhaps two for mobile).


$result = mysqli_query($db_conx,"SELECT count(*) FROM mydatabase"); //Count Records
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);

$x=0; //Create a counter to count records that have been echoed.
$num = $row[0];
$sum =($num)/3; //Divide the total number of records by 3

$sql = mysqli_query($db_conx, "SELECT * FROM mydatabase"); //Get records
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)){
  $x++; //Add 1 to counter

  echo $row['name']; //echo row

  echo "</br>";

if ($x>$sum){ //If the number of records already echoed is more than a third of the total then create a new column.
  echo "</div>";
  echo "<div class=\"col-sm-4\">";
  $x=0; //Reset counter

} //End while loop
echo "</div>";
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  • duanfen2349 2017-08-02 18:09

    Just try like this code 100% working and tested:

        $connection = new mysqli('HOST_NAME', 'USER_NAME', 'PASSWORD', 'DATABASE_NAME');
        if ($connection->connect_errno > 0) {
            die ('Unable to connect to database [' . $connection->connect_error . ']');
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM products";
        if (!$result = $connection->query($sql)) {
            die ('There was an error running query[' . $connection->error . ']');
        $rows = $result->num_rows;    // Find total rows returned by database
        if($rows > 0) {
            $cols = 3;    // Define number of columns
            $counter = 1;     // Counter used to identify if we need to start or end a row
            $nbsp = $cols - ($rows % $cols);    // Calculate the number of blank columns
            $container_class = 'container-fluid';  // Parent container class name
            $row_class = 'row';    // Row class name
            $col_class = 'col-sm-4'; // Column class name
            echo '<div class="'.$container_class.'">';    // Container open
            while ($item = $result->fetch_array()) {
                if(($counter % $cols) == 1) {    // Check if it's new row
                    echo '<div class="'.$row_class.'">';    // Start a new row
                        $img = "".$item['image_name'];
                        echo '<div class="'.$col_class.'">'.$img.'<h5>'.$item['name'].'</h5></div>';     // Column with content
                if(($counter % $cols) == 0) { // If it's last column in each row then counter remainder will be zero
                    echo '</div>';   //  Close the row
                $counter++;    // Increase the counter
            if($nbsp > 0) { // Adjustment to add unused column in last row if they exist
                for ($i = 0; $i < $nbsp; $i++)  { 
                    echo '<div class="'.$col_class.'">&nbsp;</div>';        
                echo '</div>';  // Close the row
            echo '</div>';  // Close the container
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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