donljt2606 2013-07-15 09:40
浏览 110


I think I get me in a real trouble, because I am working on a LMS.

Actually I need to develop an LMS, a simple one.

My big problem is the Scorm.

I am developing in PHP, and what I want that if I upload the scorm 1.2 course, to be able to track the course. Or even simpler I need to get the status(if is passed, or incomplete), score, and time.

Any suggestion, links, resources, examples?

Please, help me.

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  • dsm13698679318 2013-07-30 09:06

    I don't think there is such a thing as a 'simple' LMS, where SCORM is concerned.

    It is hard, but it is possible.

    The specification for SCORM 1.2 is here -

    It's big, and detailed, and covers everything you need to provide for SCORM 1.2.

    However, if you just want something up and running quickly, have a look at some other LMSs that have already been built. There are loads out there, both free and paid.

    For an example of how an LMS works, check out, you can play around with it there, and see how it handles things.

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