First let me introduce myself: Im 33. 'Living in the Netherlands and i'm a newbe if it comes to php :)
I have a csv file on my vps httpdocs\data\1day.csv . In this file there are two columns: datetime and value. The file looks like this:
"2016-01-02 10:50:01","1060.9",
"2016-01-02 10:45:01","1060.6",
I want to make a simple calculation to the file 1day.csv and save it to another csv file. Let's say the caluclation will be value * 5:
"2016-01-02 10:50:01","1060.9","5304.5",
"2016-01-02 10:45:01","1060.9","5304.5",
The calculation needs to be done over the whole "value" column.
I want to do this with php and let a cronjob execute this script every x minutes.
Can anybody help me in the right direction?