douhong9210 2015-06-24 18:53
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如何从内容中获取价值? [关闭]


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  • dtoqa66028 2015-06-24 19:16

    To get you going my 2 cents. First off, Welcome, please read How to ask a good question

    First you need to decode the json string in to an array. with that array you can get the values.

    $json = '{"prereqs":{"prereq":{"type":"prereq_check","value":"submerging_island_feature_enabled"}},
    //decode the json
    $decoded = json_decode($json, true);
    // uncomment if you want it to be easier to read
    // echo "<pre>";
    // print_r($decoded);
    // echo "</pre>";
    //if you want the singe value, i.e. name of the first item.
    echo "If you want a sinle value:<br>";
    echo $decoded['divisions']['division'][0]['items']['item'][0]['name'] . "<br>";
    //to get all names from one item  you need to use a foreach() loop. 
    echo "<br>if you want all names from one item:<br>";
    foreach($decoded['divisions']['division'][0]['items']['item'] AS $value){
        echo $value['name'] . "<br>";
    //to get all names we need to use 2 foreach loops because this is nested in multiple arrays
    echo "<br>if you want all names from all items:<br>";
    foreach($decoded['divisions']['division'] AS $value){
        foreach($value['items']['item'] AS $value){
            echo $value['name'] . "<br>";
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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