I have this warning but I have not found what causes this error, please guys can you light me? The error is in line 58 ---> $data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) or die();{ I searched for a while but can't find how i tacle that error called.
"Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in C:.... on line 58"
$user_id = 0;
function print_header($title="Header") { ?>
global $user_id;
if (logged_in()){
$session_user_id = $_COOKIE['pds-usn'];
$user_data = user_data($session_user_id, 'id', 'name', 'hashed_pw', 'email', 'last_name', 'email', 'site', 'level', 'joined', 'posts', 'type');
echo $user_data['name'];
echo 'U bent ingelogd als '.$_COOKIE['pds-usn'].'. <a href="login.php?logout=1">Uitloggen</a>';
} else {
echo "U bent niet ingelogd. <a href='login.php'>Login</a> of <a href='register.php'>registreer</a>.";
<?php }
function print_footer() { ?>
<?php }
function user_data($user_id) {
$data = array();
$user_id = (int)$user_id;
$func_num_args = func_num_args();
$func_get_args = func_get_args();
if ($func_num_args > 0) {
$fields = '`' . implode('`, `', $func_get_args) . '`';
$sql = "SELECT $fields FROM users WHERE id = $user_id";
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql);
$data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) or die();
return $data;
}else {
return false;
$connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "password") or die(header('Location: errorpage.php?error=2'));
mysqli_select_db($connect, "pds_news_feed") or die(header('Location: errorpage.php?error=3'));