Hello stackoverflow people, For the last Two days ive been trying to create this Staff applying system but i'm not to great at PHP and still learning but what i want it to do is they fill the forms out then click Submit then that downloads to a folder on the server With dated file names for each application for me to look over but i cant figure it out... My PHP only goes so far.. Is this system possible? can you make it for me or help me out?? Thanks alot for reading! :)
$tasktitle = $_POST['app'];
setlocale(LC_TIME, "fi_FI");
$date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%A");
$timesaved = strftime("%H:%M:%S");
$elapsedtime = $_POST['current_time'];
$file = "apps/".$date.".txt";
$cont = 'time finished: '.$timesaved.' - time elapsed: '.$elapsedtime.' - task name: '.$tasktitle.''. "n";
$f = fopen ($file, 'a+');
fwrite($f, $cont);
But it just writes a date in the file lol