dsaxw4201 2011-02-24 18:28
浏览 36


I want to reflect the changes that occur immediately in the table in a database, on the webpage. I have been reading about websockets but I am not very clear about how to implement it. I was wondering that how could I be able to extract that new information is has been added to the table and how do I let the server push it towards the browser.

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  • duancong2160 2011-02-24 18:33

    For pushing data to the users I tried with success http://pusherapp.com/.

    As of how to reflect the change on the database to PusherApp, it depends on your architecture. If you have a beforeSave() callback, or you centralize SQL queries on one file, that's the place to handle it, if not you'll have to track all the places where you need to implement this behavior.




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