dqwh0109 2016-02-12 00:17
浏览 133


How do I set the name or name1 variable to value of the $event's name attribute? When I step through the code name equals a simplexmlobject with no value and name2 is null.

$name3 = $event->attributes()->name; does not work either.

I am confused on how to use this properly.

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, Array(
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'http://odds.smarkets.com/oddsfeed.xml',
    CURLOPT_ENCODING       => 'UTF-8'

$data = curl_exec($curl);

$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
$football = array();
foreach($xml->event as $event){
if($event->attributes()->type == "Football match"){
    $att = $event->attributes();
    $name = $att['name'];
    $name2 = $att->attributes()->name;
    $name3 = $event->attributes()->name;
    $football[] = $event;

foreach($football as $game){
   if($game->attributes()->name == "Sunderland vs. Manchester United"){
     $a = $game;
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  • doujiexi1824 2016-02-12 00:57

    Some of the script works, it goes get the game Sunderland. The part that doesn't make sense are the following:

    $att = $event->attributes(); // gets all the attributes
    // using `$att` then invokes the attributes method
    $name2 = $att->attributes()->name;

    You don't need to use ->attributes over $att it already has the attributes.

    If you want to search for that Sunderland game, just remove some it the unneeded parts:

    $xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
    $football = array();
    foreach($xml->event as $event){
        if($event->attributes()->type == "Football match"){
            $football[] = $event; // push foot ball matches
    foreach($football as $game){
        // search for sunderland game
        if($game->attributes()->name == "Sunderland vs. Manchester United"){
            $a = $game;
    print_r($a); // checker

    If you really want to assign that particular name into a variable, just typecast the attribute into (string), ala:

    $name = (string) $event->attributes()->name;

    Edit: Just go to the appropriate level using foreach if you have to. Just add an is_array to do some checking. Some levels have a flat one on prices. Some have multiple prices on some offers. Do this checking accordingly. To get you going, here's an example:

    $match = 'Sunderland vs. Manchester United';
    foreach($football as $game){
        if($game->attributes()->name == $match){
            // if that game is found
            foreach($game->market as $market) {
                foreach($market->contract as $contract) {
                    // offers
                    if(!empty($contract->offers)) {
                        foreach($contract->offers->price as $price) {
                            // single level price
                            if(!is_array($price)) {
                                $decimal = (string) $price->attributes()->decimal;
                                echo $decimal;
                            // multi leveled price
                            else {
                                foreach($price as $p) {
                                    $decimal = (string) $p->attributes()->decimal;
                                    echo $decimal;
                    // end offers

    The concept is still the same, use typecasting on the attributes when needed. This should get you going.

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