dsh7551 2016-04-10 16:03
浏览 19

在php中搜索## ... ##中包含的所有字符串

I'm trying to build a program that can read variables from a template and allow the user to edit them. I'm trying to use regex to find instances of user-defined variables in the template, which would look like ##VARIABLENAME##.

I essentially want to grab the VARIABLENAME part into an array item, for each variable that exists in the source string.

I looked around a bit but couldn't find anything, regex syntax is quite a beast to someone who hasn't used it before.

Any help appreciated!


Sample input:

"Hello there ##NAME##, you have ##ORDERSNUM## orders pending".

Expected output:

array[0] = 'NAME'
array[1] = 'ORDERSNUM'

I've so far tried

preg_match("/#(.*)#/", $temphtml, $tempvars) 

But this is only returning the first match found, twice.

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  • dongtao4890 2016-04-10 16:20

    Just use regular expressions like:

    preg_match_all('/##([^#]+)##/', $string, $matches)

    see http://php.net/manual/function.preg-match-all.php

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