dsceme82487 2016-08-25 00:51
浏览 66


I have a table that allows the user to add rows to it. The table has four columns. Items, Qty, Price, and Tax. The tax column is a check box. I am using the hidden input to set a value for an unchecked box. This way I can take the post data and know if I should charge tax on a specific row. (0 value means no tax, 1 value means charge tax) The problem I have is when putting check boxes in an array it will always pick up the hidden value.


<table style="width: 90%" id="myTable" class="centered-table table table-bordered">
       <td style="width: 60%"><input type="text" id="detail" name="detail[]"required></td>
       <td style="width: 8%"><input type="number" id="qty" name="qty[]" required></td>
       <td style="width: 12%"><input type="number" id="price" name="price[]" required></td>
       <input type="hidden" value="0" name="tax[]">
       <td style="width: 5%"><input type="checkbox" id="tax" name="tax[]" value="1"></td>
       <td style="width: 12%"><div class="inline"><input type="button" id="addButton" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" value="Add"/></div><div class="inline"><input type="button" id="deleteButton" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" value="Delete"/></div>

For example: I have four rows. The first and last row are checked. The array looks like this [0,1,0,0,0,1] I need the array to look like this [1,0,0,1] Is this possible or do I need to try a completely different method of getting unchecked and checked boxes? I have tried to come up with a loop that will take away zeros but I can always find a combination of checked and unchecked boxes that will make it fail.

This is my javascript to add rows to the table


    var x = $('#myTable tr').length;
    if(x == 2){

    } else {

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  • duanchuan6350 2016-08-25 01:04

    Unchecked checkboxes are simply never sent to server, and you need to adjust your form to accommodate that. I would suggest something like:

    <form ...>
        <input name="obj[0][name]" type="text">
        <input name="obj[0][qty]" type="text">
        <input name="obj[0][price]" type="text">
        <input name="obj[0][tax]" type="checkbox">
        <input name="obj[1][name]" type="text">
        <input name="obj[1][qty]" type="text">
        <input name="obj[1][price]" type="text">
        <input name="obj[1][tax]" type="checkbox">

    And then you can reliably test for whether or not that a given box was checked by checking for the existence of the tax index in the resulting array which should look something like:

    $_POST['obj'] == [
            'name' => ...,
            'qty' => ...,
            'price' => ...
            'name' => ...,
            'qty' => ...,
            'price' => ...,
            'tax' => ...
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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