For the following function I need to write more test cases, I have already written one, can someone give some ideas, Perhaps to test return values of intermediate function calls.
public function calculateShortestPath($graphObj, $start, $destination)
$shortestPath = null;
if ($this->validateParams($graphObj, $start, $destination) == true) {
$result = $this->getAllVerticesAndNeighbours($graphObj);
$vertices = $result[self::VERTICES];
$neighbours = $result[self::NEIGHBOURS];
$vertexCost = array_fill_keys($vertices, self::INFINITY);
$visitedVertices = array_fill_keys($vertices, null);
$vertexCost[$start] = 0;
$vertexQueue = $vertices;
$result = $this->getShortestPath($vertexQueue, $vertexCost, $neighbours, $visitedVertices, $destination);
$vertexCost = $result[self::VERTEX_COST];
$shortestPathVertices = $result[self::SHORTEST_PATH_VERTICES];
$path = $this->getRefinedShortestPath($shortestPathVertices, $destination);
$shortestPath = new ShortestPath($path, $vertexCost[$destination]);
return $shortestPath;
I have written following case already,
* Test for calculateShortestPath function
* @param string|int $start starting point
* @param string|int $destination destination point
* @param array $expectedShortestPath expected shortest path
* @param int|float $expectedCost expected cost
* @dataProvider testCalculateShortestPathDataProvider
public function testCalculateShortestPath($start, $destination, $expectedShortestPath, $expectedCost)
$actualResult = $this->shortestPathCalc->calculateShortestPath($this->graph, $start, $destination);
/* @var $actualResult ShortestPath */
sprintf('Incorrect shortest path from %d to %d !', $start, $destination)
sprintf('Incorrect shortest path cost from %d to %d !', $start, $destination)