Have been trying to get a variable percentage from two helper functions inside .phtml file in magento
basically i have two variables based on two helper functions that on their own output/echo static numbers. Problem is in the below php they are just displaying as the value and not dividing/multiplying. So like i said the helper data & module work is using the data as variables to do/complete the equation within the .phtml file. See code below
just equals a round number value (from a collection)
just equals a round number value as well (from a collection)
probs not the best way but this just outputs two values from helper data and not dividing.
echo Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionA() / Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionB();
Also this does not work either, just produces the same result and is probs the best/easiest way
$dataA = Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionA();
$dataB = Mage::helper('module/data')->getFunctionB();
$result = ($dataA / $dataB) * 100;
echo $result;
Like i said above the values can be echoed (in either helper function or phtml files but the actual calculation does not wont to work
Any help would be great