dongliyan9190 2011-07-19 00:10
浏览 26


I'm working on a contact form. The contact message can have line breaks. They need converted to <br>. Nothing is working. Here's my test code:

mail( $email_to, $email_subject,

      '<html><head><title>' . $email_subject . '</title></head><body>'
    . $text_before_message
    . str_replace( array("\\
"), "<br />", stripslashes($email_body) )
    . str_replace( array("
"), "<br />", stripslashes($email_body) )
    . nl2br( stripslashes($email_body) )
    . str_replace( array('\\
'), "<br />", stripslashes($email_body) )
    . str_replace( array('
'), "<br />", stripslashes($email_body) )
    . stripslashes( nl2br($email_body) )
    . nl2br($email_body)
    . $text_after_message
    . '</body></html>'

    , 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "
    . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "
    . 'From: ' . $email_from . "
    . 'To: ' . $email_to . "

When entering:



The result in the email is (repeated several times because of the tests):


Which is spaced with regular line breaks (not <br>) if I look at the source code.

Why is PHP doing this to me? This question appears to be asked a lot, but the solutions I can find... make no difference what-so-ever.

How can I convert the line breaks to html breaks?

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  • duanrongpai9556 2011-07-19 02:39

    Quick answer: use nl2br().

    In other words, it works for me. I prefixed your code with:

    $email_subject="HTML test";
    $text_before_message='<div style="color:red">BEFORE</div>';
    $text_after_message='<div style="color:red">AFTER</div>';
    4 (after two blank lines)

    In Thunderbird, at least, I see a text email with correct line spacing (for the nl2br() ones). When I view as HTML I also see correct spacing, and the red text at top and bottom.

    It is possible you are using an email client that doesn't understand <br />, and wants to see <br>?! Specifying an explicit doctype might help (but a quick google suggests it won't).

    Debug tip: when everything that should work does not, check doing it manually works. I.e. include a test using a block of static HTML that uses <br /> (and <br>) and see if it works. If it doesn't you know the "which php function do I use" is the wrong question.




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