I'm looking to use image masks in Typo3. After trying out various things and none of them worked, I decided to check out the install tool.
Install tool says ImageMagick is installed correctly, paths are correct and all image test complete successfully, except the convert/combine test. The test says "There was no result from the ImageMagick operation".
Also, when I'm using gifbuilder to output an image the image's dimensions get read correctly, allthough the outputted image stays blank. (which is white or another color when I have backColor set)
I am using:
- Max OSX 10.7.5
- PHP 5.3.1
- Typo3 6.0.4
- ImageMagic 6.7.3-2
Here is some test typoscript code (which on my install results in a fully red image instead of the original image)
lib.test = IMAGE
lib.test {
file {
XY = [10.w],[10.h]
backColor = #FF0000
10 = IMAGE
10.file = fileadmin/user_upload/test.jpg
Attached is the result from the combining images test
Does anyone have an idea as to what I might be doing wrong?