dongyin4202 2014-03-26 17:43
浏览 212


I am trying to create a simple web app that prints out database info from MariaDB/MySQL using PHP, im not even at that stage yet... I have trouble when connecting to the database and get the following error:

Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server

Now, I have not done a secure installation so my Mariadb Server allows access from wildcard host and infact any host.I have also tried the code with the root account but received the same error. Can anyone tell me if its my code or whether its a procedure im not aware of that disallows connectors to access the information?

Here is my code:

if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  echo "Failed to connect to MariaDB: " . mysqli_connect_error();

Thanks in advance!

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  • doujun7161 2014-03-26 17:56

    i would test your mysql database access from command line from remote machine

    mysql -h -u testuser my_db -p

    it will ask you for a password and type that in.

    If it fails then you are probably dealing with a mysql setup problem.

    likely you are dealing with something like the mysql daemon only listening to the localhost interface i.e. . Even if it allows access from any host if it isn't listening to a give interface like eth0 it doesn't matter.

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