douying1119 2012-08-30 08:25
浏览 23


I need to log Fatal-errors of my website.

I normally check error.log and debug.log files for CakePHP errors.
But I found out that PHP related fatal errors aren't logged someplace.
It is also discussed in this thread.

I checked php.ini. IT has following lines:

log_errors = On
;error_log = filename

I don't have rights to change php.ini. I can ask admin to change this, but it seems like I need to ask him every time I need a change :) I also have concerns about performance. Whether logging errors can decrease performance or not?

So I find out that I can put following two lines inside my script to log errors and change folder or file name when I need.

ini_set("log_errors", 1);
ini_set("error_log", "/path/to/php-error.log");

So I want to know where to put this lines inside my codes? Should I put it inside AppController::beforeFilter ? Or is there a better place/solution in CakePHP 2 configuration?

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  • doutao8774 2012-08-30 10:02

    this is an old thread. in the meantime with cake 2.x errors are all logged in productive mode - so also fatal errors.

    trigger one and check out your /tmp/logs/error.log

    but you can easily find that out looking at the core code:

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