dqsw7529 2017-02-23 12:15
浏览 20

如何在php foreach数组中前后迭代?

I want to achieve this

foreach($spacecount as $x => $x_value)  {                                                               
    if($spacecount[$x+1] < $spacecount[$x+2] )  {                                                                    
        echo $spacecount[$x];                                                               

like we can do it in for loop, but i also want to use its key when needed. how can I perform it ?

The array looks like

Array (     [ Tables] => 5 
            [Home] => 0 
            [ Wallet] => 5 
            [Designer] => 0 

it contains whitespaces in the key text

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  • dtgr6303 2017-02-23 12:20

    If there's no guarantee that your array is numerically indexed, you can do this:

    $keys = array_keys($spacecount);
    $values = array_values($spacecount);
    for ($i = 0;$i < count($spacecount)-2;$i++) {
        //If you need the key you can use $keys[$i]
        if ($values[$i+1] < $values[$i+2]) {
            echo $values[$i+1];
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