I have this PHP code that works but I would like to be able to use the same but within twig
in symfony
$cumpleanos = new DateTime("1982-06-03");
$hoy = new DateTime();
$annos = $hoy->diff($cumpleanos);
echo $annos->y;
I have this PHP code that works but I would like to be able to use the same but within twig
in symfony
$cumpleanos = new DateTime("1982-06-03");
$hoy = new DateTime();
$annos = $hoy->diff($cumpleanos);
echo $annos->y;
To make this code guide me in this post: https://es.stackoverflow.com/a/73288/6524
The only variant in the file EdadUsuarioExtension.php
namespace AppBundle\Twig;
//Extension muestra la edad del usuario
class EdadUsuarioExtension extends \Twig_Extension
public function getFunctions()
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('edad_usuario', array($this, 'edad_usuario')),
public function getName()
return 'edad_usuario_extension';
public function edad_usuario($fecha)
$cumpleanos = new \DateTime($fecha);
$hoy = new \DateTime();
$edad = $hoy->diff($cumpleanos);
return $edad->y;