In my application I'm using the GuzzleHttp library, but it not probably the problem, but is't good to say it.
Every minute (using cron) I need to get data from 40+ addresses, so I took GuzzleHttp lib to be fast as possible.
Guzzle code:
$client = new Client();
$rectangles = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM rectangles");
$requests = function ($rectangles)
foreach($rectangles as $rectangle)
// some GEO coords (It's not important)
$left = $rectangle["lft"];
$right = $rectangle["rgt"];
$top = $rectangle["top"];
$bottom = $rectangle["bottom"];
$this->indexes[] = $rectangle;
$uri = "$left&top=$top&right=$right&bototm=$bottom";
yield new Request("GET", $uri);
$pool = new Pool($client, $requests($rectangles), [
'concurrency' => 5,
'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) {
$resp = $response->getBody();
$carray = json_decode($resp,true);
if($carray["data"] != null)
$alerts = array_filter($carray["data"], function($alert) {
return $alert["type"] == 'xxx';
$this->data = array_merge($this->data, $alerts);
$this->total_count += count($alerts);
'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) {},
$promise = $pool->promise();
return $this->data;
Of course i made a benchmark of this.
1. getting data from another server 0.000xx sec
2. json_decode 0.001-0.0100 (this is probably the problem :-()
The entire code takes about 6-8 seconds. It depends on the amount of data that is on a remote server.
All the time I thought Guzzle performs request asynchronously, so it will takes time as the longest request.
(slowest request = 200 ms == all request = 200 ms) - But this is probably not true! Or I am doing something wrong.
I used an associative array in json_decode (I feel that this is an acceleration of 1 sec (I'm not sure...)).
My question is, can I this code more optimize and speed it up?
I wish to make it fast as one the slowest request (0.200 sec).
PS: The data that I'm getting from URLs are just long JSONs. Thanks!
EDIT: I changed the 'concurrency' => 5 to 'concurrency' => 100 and now the duration is about 2-4 sec