I need to update an entire column with new unique phone numbers that live in a second table. I seem to be on the right track... but my loop logic is faulty.
I'm returning the matches correctly as far as I can tell, but when I try to update the entire column in the table it inserts the last phone number in every single row.
$query = "SELECT matched.duns, matched.new_p1, users_data.temp_duns
FROM matched
INNER JOIN users_data ON temp_duns
WHERE temp_duns = duns LIMIT 10";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
foreach ($result as $key => $val) {
if($val['duns'] === $val['temp_duns']) {
$final_query = "UPDATE users_data SET phone_number = " . $val['new_p1'];
$final_result = mysqli_query($connection, $final_query);
echo $counter . "DUNS From matched: " . $val['duns'] . " DUNS From users_data: " . $val['temp_duns'] . " NEW PHONE: ". $val['new_p1']. "<br>";
I'm a total newb but any help would be appreciated.