When dealing with symmetric encryption like this, the first step is realize that it's probably going to be a huge pain in the rear - I've never, ever had it work right away, even when I was copy pasting my own code. This is mainly because encryption and decryption methods are, by design, utterly unforgiving and rarely give useful error messages. A single null character, carriage return, line feed, or dynamically converted type can silently blow the whole process up.
Knowing this, progress stepwise. I suggest the following:
First, get PHP alone working. Pass in sample text, encrypt it, immediately decrypt it, and compare it with strict equality to the original clear text variable. Are they perfectly the same? Output both, as well - are they the same type and appear perfectly unmolested? Watch out for non-printed characters - check the length and character encoding too!
Now, do the above with one more sample text that is 1 character more or less than the previous one. This debugs block size/zero-padding issues - it matters.
If that's working - and it rarely does right away, for hard to predict reasons, continue to Node.js.
In Node.js, do the same thing as you did in PHP, even if it seems like wasted effort - for extra reasons that will be obvious in a moment. Encrypt and decrypt, all together, in your Node.js. Does it work with all the same provisos given above?
Once that is done, here comes the 'fun' part: using the same encryption methods independently in Node.js and PHP, have them both output to you the 'final' ready-to-transmit cryptext that both produced.
If all is well, they should be perfectly, exactly the same. If they aren't, you have a problem with your encryption implementations and methods not being compatible between systems. Some setting is wrong or conflicting (perhaps with zero padding or a host of other possibilities, or IV, etc), or you need to try a different implementation.
If I had to guess blindly, I'd say there is an issue with the base64 encoding and decoding (it's most commonly what goes wrong). Things tend to get done twice, because it can be tricky to debug binary data types in web applications (through a browser). Sometimes things are being encoded twice but only decoded once, or one implementation will 'helpfully' encode/decode something automatically without being clear that's what it's doing, etc.
It's also possible it's a zero-padding implementation issue between Node and PHP, as suggested here: AES encrypt in Node.js Decrypt in PHP. Fail.
These last two issues are strongly suggested by your error codes. The encryption methods predict block sizes of precise length, and if they are off then that signals corruption of the data being passed to the functions - which happens if a single extra character slipped in, or if encoding is handled differently, etc.
If you step through each of the above one at a time, assuring yourself you can't rush and must check every painstaking tiny little step of the process, it should be much more clear where exactly things are going wrong, and then that can be troubleshooted.