dongyuanliao6204 2011-09-12 15:24
浏览 108

刷新父页面时请记住iFrame SRC

I have an intranet I am building, and am learning web languages as I go.

I have a basic html/php page that contains an iFrame, which most of my content is loaded into.

I also have a login box that is a popup modal within the main page. When you fill in this popup and hit login, it refreshes the main page, so that it knows you are logged in, and can display your name etc etc.

However, this means that the iframe SRC also resets to its default.

Is there a way to retain whatever the current SRC of the iframe is, when refreshing the parent page?

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  • dpleylxzx47207117 2011-09-12 15:27

    You can set a session variable to keep the current src.

    In your case I would do something like the following:

    All pages which are loaded in the iframe can contain the code to set the session var.

    session_start(); // before any output to the user-agent / browser /screen!!!
    $_SESSION['last_visited'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

    And on the page which displays the iframe you can simply do something like:

    session_start(); // before any output to the user-agent / browser /screen!!!
    echo '<iframe src="', $_SESSION['last_visited'], '"></iframe>';

    Regarding your question about saving the URL in the database.

    You could do that but I would just save it in a cookie.

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