douyingbei1458 2016-12-20 18:59
浏览 86


Basically, I'm in the process of experimenting with a web-based mock email client. for this, I've created a text editor, which when the user wishes to place or attach an image at a certain point in their message, they press a button which creates a new file-input. When uploaded, this then displays the image on their message.

When the user sends the message, the image src tags in the message are switched from the filereader template to a new src, and the file input's values are submitting and the images transfered to a new directory somewhere in the root folder of the website. This works perfectly fine. Images are unique, and a folder exists for each message with images inside them from the message itself.

The issue that I have right now is that when a user wishes to save their message as a draft, I need to do the same process. However, the only difference is that the form isn't submitted, and I simply use ajax to trigger a form upload. The issue I have is that I can't seem to access the file input's upload status. I can't submit the form because when I do I send the message out, which means I have to omit the $(form).submit( function (){}); system.

My question hence is: How do I submit an array of file inputs using ajax? This is my code so far:


    messid = 1;
    var draftbool2 = 4;

    imgS = [];

            var imgO = $(this).attr("data-sub-src");
            var imgN = imgO.replace("postid", messid);
            $(this).attr("src", imgN);

    var imgArray = JSON.stringify(imgS);
    var prevMessage = $('#message-body').html();
    var content = $('#inbox-reply-body').html();
    var body = content + "<hr><div id=\"reply-message\">" + prevMessage + "</div>";

    //formdata submitting id, draftbool, and body
    var fd2 = new FormData();
    fd2.append('body', body);
    fd2.append('draftbool', draftbool2);
    fd2.append('idmessage', messid);
    fd2.append('image', imgArray);

        type: 'POST',
        url: "server/saveDraft.php",
        data: fd2,
        contentType: false,
        processData: false,
        success: function(done){


$images = json_decode($_POST['image']);

foreach($images as $l){
    var_dump(implode(",", $images));
    foreach($l as $f => $name){
    $movedir = ("../resources/img/inbox/".$idofdraft."/");
    $dir = ("resources/img/inbox/".$idofdraft."/");

    $allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "PNG", "JPG", "JPEG", "GIF");
    $temp = explode(".", $name);
    $extension = end($temp);
    //Set file type and size
    if ((($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/GIF") 
    || ($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/JPEG") 
    || ($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/jpg") || ($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/JPG") 
    || ($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/png") || ($_FILES['image-reply']['type'] == "image/PNG"))
    && ($_FILES['image-reply']['size'] < 1073741824)
    && in_array($extension, $allowedExts)){
        if($_FILES['image-reply']['error'][$f] > 0){
            echo "Return Code: ".$_FILES['image-reply']['error'][$f]."<br />";

        } else {
                echo " Directory Exists";
            } else {
                mkdir($movedir, 0777, true);
                echo " File already exists";
                $pathname = $dir.$name;
            } else {
                $names = $_FILES['image-reply']['tmp_name'];
                if(move_uploaded_file($names, "$movedir/$name")){
                    $pathname = ($dir."/".$name);
                    echo " File has been uploaded";


HTML (echo'd in the full PHP file, hence the \")

<form id=\"inbox-reply\" method=\"post\" action=\"server/replyMessage.php\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
    <a href=\"#\" data-command=\"insertImage\"><i class=\"fa fa-image\"></i></a>
        <input type=\"file\" id=\"image-upload\" name=\"image\"/>
        <a href=\"#\" data-command=\"insertattach\"><i class=\"fa fa-paperclip\"></i></a>
        <input type=\"file\" id=\"file-upload\" name=\"file\"/>
        <a href=\"#\" data-command=\"save-reply\"><i class=\"fa fa-floppy-o\"></i></a>
    <div id=\"inbox-reply-body\" class=\"reply-content\" contenteditable>

    <div class=\"image-list-reply\">

    <div class=\"attach-list-reply\">

    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"reply\" value=\"Send\">

Normally I would replace foreach($l as $f => $name) with foreach($_POST['image-reply'] as $f => $name) and that would work, but here I'm supposed to submit the $_POST['image-reply'] via ajax, which forces me to put all the file inputs in an array. My issue is getting them from the array as usable php elements. Can anyone help me?

PS sorry for my lack of clarity, I'm not sure how to approach the community with a problem, let alone this one! In short, How do i pick up usable file input data from an array of file inputs submitted via ajax?

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  • doukan4039 2016-12-20 22:53

    You can't stringify a DOM array.

    This is what you have to do:

    var fd2 = new FormData();
      $.each(this.files, function(i, file){
        fd2.append('image', file)

    Also i still recommend you to use $(form).submit( function (){}); You can get good html5 validation from it but with the addition that you do event.preventDefault()




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