I'm trying to make something with PHP and sqlite. I've got both the sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite3 libraries loaded (according to php -m), the php.ini gets the libraries added, but I still get the fatal error that the function (whether it's sqlite_open() or sqlite_versioninfo()) isn't found. phpinfo() shows that both libraries are loaded. So why can't I use them?
Some info about my setup:
I'm running on debian, I'm running Apache2 and PHP 5.4.4-4. I can't remember how I installed PHP (apparently not through apt-get), but it's launched through Apache.
The output of php -m
root@ns:~# php -m [PHP Modules] bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype curl date dba dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gettext hash iconv imagick json libxml mbstring mhash mysql mysqli openssl pcntl pcre PDO pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite Phar posix Reflection session shmop SimpleXML soap sockets SPL sqlite3 ssh2 standard sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib
[Zend Modules]
The exact error text is PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlite_libversion() in [file] on line 14
and it occurs both through the command line and the webserver.
If I think of anything else to add, I'll add it here.