dongna9185 2017-05-01 20:09
浏览 33


Which dB language would be good for greater social media like databases? I have used PHP5/MySQL till now, but never for anything really big. I was thinking about MongoDB/Node.js/Mongoose combination to use with a ReactJS app. Can it be that PHP5/MySQL can do a job like that? Thank you in advance.

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  • dpwle46882 2017-05-01 20:26

    If you really want to go for greater social media like databases , relational databases might not actually solve the purpose.

    Go for something like a graph database. With implementation of nodes and edges and linked list, its performance is exponentially better than other databases.

    Visit the official site of Neo4j - a free and extremely popular graphDB to begin with.

    Screenshot taken from **Graph 2e Neo4j, pg21

    Screenshot taken from Graph Databases Neo4j 2e, pg21 (available for free download on the website mentioned above)

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