douyun3799 2014-07-22 05:26
浏览 54


I am trying to send an array from php to javascript through ajax and am having some troubles.

My php array code looks something like this:

if($_REQUEST['action'] == 'miniCart'){
  foreach($_SESSION['cart']['items'] as $item){
    $message[$item['id']]['name'] = $item['name'];
    $message[$item['id']]['price'] = number_format($item['price'], 2, '.', '');
    $message[$item['id']]['qty'] = $item['count'];
    $message = json_encode($message,true);

And this builds an array that looks something like this:

[2] =>
     [name] => "Product 1"
     [price] => "$15.00"
     [qty] => "2"
[1] =>
     [name] => "Product 2"
     [price] => "$15.00"
     [qty] => "3"

My JS code looks something like this:

var miniCart = function () {
    $(".tester").on("click", function(event) {
    var action = 'miniCart';
            type: "POST",
            url: "cart/cart.php",
            data:"action=" + action + "&ajax=true",
            success: function(string){
                var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(string);


My Json that is sent from php to JS looks like this:

{“2”:{“name”:”Product 1”,”price”:”15.00”,”qty”:”3”},”1”:{“name”:”Product 2”,”Price”:”15.00”,”qty”:”3”}}

I understand that this wont work, if someone can help finish this so that I can construct another array on the JS side that would be most helpful. My problem is that I can't parse them out correctly. I have tried many variations of JSON parsing but I think the "2" in the beginning is throwing it off. The item ID will never always be changing depending upon the order.

Perhaps I'm trying to engineer this incorrectly. I ultimately want to use these variables to build a shopping cart table.

Please assist.

Thank you kindly.

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  • dongpao2871 2014-07-22 06:03

    And this builds an array that looks something like this:

    You're actually building an associative array in PHP, not a 0-indexed array. It then gets converted into a JSON object (with item IDs as keys), not a JSON array.

    To get the name of the item with ID "2" in javascript:


    You can iterate over the JSON object like this:

    for (var key in obj) {
        console.log("Item ID: " + key);
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