douzuizhuo0587 2017-10-25 14:24 采纳率: 0%
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Symfony 3:如何在Form中实现包含大量对象的EntityType?

I have an entity City with more than 30000 objects stored. User is able to add an Address object with a relation ManyToOne to City. But during Form building, the rendering of <input> type radio or select is not appropriate for the number of objects...

I use the following implementation code (it is a snippet):

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
  /* Pattern to get cities */
  $pattern = 'Bor%';  //I use this filter to reduce the number of objects but not sufficient

    ->add('city', EntityType::class, array(
      'class'        => 'AppPlatformBundle:City',
      'choice_label' => 'name',
      'multiple'     => false,
      'expanded'     => true,
      'query_builder'=> function(CityRepository $repository) use($pattern) {
        return $repository->getCitiesWithPattern($pattern);

I think that a solution is to use a TextType where the proposals can be selected by the user when he start type anything. But I haven't idea on how implement this.

Do you have a solution on my issue please?

Thank you

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  • dqsvnsad79721 2017-10-25 14:28

    With this steps :

    1. Create a custom form type inheriting from a simple TextType
    2. Use this custom form type with a javascript autocomplete plugin and an ajax call
    3. Create your custom action in order to retrieve your choices for your select box (created by the plugin)
    4. Use a Data Transformer in your custom form type in order to retrieve objects instead of values
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