dongshuming7131 2017-01-05 19:44
浏览 84

将MySQL日期时间转换为Javascript Date.UTC格式(对于Highcharts非常有用)

Been breaking my head for the past couple of hours to solve a tiny issue in my Highcharts chart with a timeline, so here is my solution. Use it to your benefit.

The issue is that you can't just use the timestamp from an MySQL database (format: Y-m-d H:i:s) in the Highchart script as the Javascript Date.UTC counts the months differently... minus 1 so from January = 0 to December = 11 *arrggg*

I've tried several proposed solutions for a conversion directly in the MySQL query but noticed that this resulted in incorrect results, so I abandoned that approach and went for a little PHP based function instead:

function format_as_jsDateUTC( $timestamp )
    $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp ); 
    $ret = $dt->format('Y, '); 
    $ret .= $dt->format('n')-1 == 0 ? 0 : $dt->format('n')-1;  
    $ret .= $dt->format(', j, G, i, s');
     * [Y] full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
     * [n] numeric representation of a month, without leading zero, minus 1 for usage in Javascript (from January = 0 to December = 11)
     * [j] day of the month without leading zeros
     * [G] 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
     * [i] minutes with leading zeros
     * [s] seconds with leading zeros
    return $ret;

echo format_as_jsDateUTC( '2017-01-05 09:08:07' );
// results in: 2017, 0, 5, 9, 08, 07

If anyone has any improvements or does know a correct way for achieving this in directly in my SELECT query then I'm always interested to hear as I can only learn from the feedback :)

Last but not least - in the jQuery code for my zoomable Highchart spline chart I used it as:

pointStart: Date.UTC(<?php echo format_as_jsDateUTC( $stats['date'] ); ?>)

See also the full Highcharts code (without the PHP as it's on JSFiddle) at:

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