dongying3744 2019-01-08 14:55
浏览 27


I have this dynamic multiple arrays that I need to combine in one array and serialized them. The problem is I need to keep both key and value.

$arr = array($bet_option_id => $bet_option_name);

Here i need to keep both bet_option_id AND bet_option_name. Then this result output:

Array ( [997650802] => Over 2.5 ) 
Array ( [997650807] => Yes )

This need to be simply

  [997650802] => Over 2.5
  [997650807] => Yes

As it's dynamic, sometimes not comes with just single array so apparently I couldn't get it working. I need to retrieve both bet_option_id & bet_option_name. Tried something like this:

 $arr = array($bet_option_id => $bet_option_name); //This is where all array keys, values are stores
 $result = array();
 foreach ($arr as $array) {
     $result = array_merge($result, $array);

Any inputs will be nice.

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  • douyi7055 2019-01-08 15:11

    Rather than create individual arrays like...

    $arr = array($bet_option_id => $bet_option_name);

    If you first create an empty array ( like you do with $result)

    $arr = array();

    and then add each item in using

    $arr[$bet_option_id] = $bet_option_name;

    Then you don't need to manipulate the array after - just create it as you want it in the first place.

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