I am generating PDF file using CodeIgniter and R&OS pdf class. But now the problem is that the pdf is displayed to the browser. I instead want it to be downloaded. Here is my code :
$data['users'] = $this->user->get_all_ayant_droits();
foreach($data['users'] as $user) {
$db_data[] = array('name' => $user->nom, 'department' => $user->Department, 'status' => $user->Status);
$col_names = array(
'name' => 'Noms et Prenoms',
'department' => 'Département',
'status' => 'Status'
$this->cezpdf->ezTable($db_data, $col_names, 'Ayant droit Base Loisirs de Kribi', array('width'=>550));
What is missing for this controller to send the file to download ?