I have a php question. Something I have not run into much with wordpress. Trying to add a bit of code to one of my websites and am getting an error. It is a google map api:
<script async defer src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSy**********************-8D********&callback=initMap"type="text/javascript"></script>
I normally add it just before the last closing tag on footer.php file. Strange thing this time I get Notice:
Undefined variable: bg in /home2/drlf27jh/public_html/wp-content/themes/realtor-child/footer.php on line 1>
I have checked and Google API's is recognizing the code and passes test. The weird thing, if I delete the line for the API I added to get rid of error, the error now still remains. The only way I can get rid of the error is ftp a new footer.php file with exact same code but untouched by me adding anything additional.
Below is complete footer.php file with code I added.
<?php $options = _WSH()->option();
$bg = sh_set( $options, 'footer_bg' );
<!--======= FOOTER =========-->
<footer <?php if($bg):?>style="background-image: url('<?php echo
esc_url($bg); ?>');"<?php endif;?>>
<div class="container">
<!--======= NEWSLETTER =========-->
<?php if(sh_set($options, 'footer_top')):?>
<?php dynamic_sidebar('footer-top-sidebar'); ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if(sh_set($options, 'footer_middle')):?>
<ul class="row">
<?php dynamic_sidebar('footer-sidebar'); ?>
<?php endif;?>
<!--======= RIGHTS =========-->
<?php if(sh_set($options, 'footer_bottom')):?>
<div class="rights">
<div class="container">
<p class="font-montserrat"><?php echo balanceTags(sh_set($options,
<?php endif;?>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
<script async defer src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSy**********************-8D********&callback=initMap"type="text/javascript"></script>