douya7282 2019-07-17 05:20
浏览 98

在韩国使用Magnum Gothic字体代替Nanum Gothic

So I have a question and wanted to see if anyone has ever come across something like this..

So basically, I'm running wordpress sites from other nations and have fonts that get applied to specific wordpress sites depending on language. I have the 'Nanum Gothic' font applied on the Korean site.

From my view (United States based) - I'm seeing the 'Nanum Gothic' font which is correct! It's supposed to show that but their seeing another font.
enter image description here

My users in Korea are seeing the 'Magnum Gothic' font, which has no reference in my wordpress files at all - How could this be possible? Could there be restrictions in Korea that overwrites my Nanum Gothic font?

I have absolutely no reference of Magnum Gothic anywhere in my code or template.

Reference: _variables.scss

Korean font family based on local team request
$korean: $whitney, 'Nanum Gothic', sans-serif;

References: theme-rtl.css / project-rtl.css / project.css / theme.css

 * Font family for Korean site
html[lang="ko-KR"] body {
  font-family: "Whitney A", "Whitney B", "Nanum Gothic", sans-serif; }
  html[lang="ko-KR"] body h1, html[lang="ko-KR"] body h2, html[lang="ko-KR"] body h3, html[lang="ko-KR"] body h4, html[lang="ko-KR"] body h5, html[lang="ko-KR"] body h6 {
    font-family: "Whitney A", "Whitney B", "Nanum Gothic", sans-serif; }

Has anyone dealt with something like this? Is there a VPN that I'm able to use that I can view a webpage from a Korean side?

Thanks so much for all the help!

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