I have a problem when I work with uploadDisplay_SP_reply_'.$statusid.'
As you can see these divs has unique id ($statusid)
which is auto increment so if I want to display an image inside a specific div
in Javascript addEventListener's function the program won't know in which div should it display the image. And here is my problem. In other functions I could add this unique id e.g (replytext_'.$statusid.')
in PHP and function showBtnDiv_reply(e)
in Javascript where e is $statusid
, but in the function completeHandler_reply
I can't. The function completeHandler_reply
only gets one parameter from the addEventListener which is the event
. So how can I add the $statusid
to function completeHandler_reply
or is there any way I can solve it?
if($isFriend == true || $log_username == $u){
$statuslist .= '<textarea id="replytext_'.$statusid.'" class="replytext" onfocus="showBtnDiv_reply('.$statusid.')" placeholder="Write a comment..."></textarea>';
$statuslist .= '<div id="uploadDisplay_SP_reply_'.$statusid.'"></div>';
$statuslist .= '<div id="btns_SP_reply_'.$statusid.'" class="hiddenStuff">';
$statuslist .= '<button id="replyBtn_'.$statusid.'" class="btn_rply" onclick="replyToStatus('.$statusid.',\''.$u.'\',\'replytext_'.$statusid.'\',this)">Reply</button>';
$statuslist .= '<img src="images/camera.png" id="triggerBtn_SP_reply" class="triggerBtn" onclick="triggerUpload_reply(event, \'fu_SP_reply\')" width="22" height="22" title="Upload A Photo" />';
$statuslist .= '</div>';
$statuslist .= '<div id="standardUpload_reply" class="hiddenStuff">';
$statuslist .= '<form id="image_SP_reply" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">';
$statuslist .= '<input type="file" name="FileUpload" id="fu_SP_reply" onchange="doUpload_reply(\'fu_SP_reply\','.$statusid.')"/>';
$statuslist .= '</form>';
$statuslist .= '</div>';
I can add the $statusid
here as a parameter e
function showBtnDiv_reply(e){
_("replytext_"+e).style.height = "130px";
_("btns_SP_reply_"+e).style.display = "block";
function doUpload_reply(id,sid){
var file = _(id).files[0];
if(file.name == ""){
return false;
if(file.type != "image/jpeg" && file.type != "image/gif" && file.type != "image/png" && file.type != "image/jpg"){
alert("That file type is not supported.");
return false;
_("triggerBtn_SP_reply").style.display = "none";
_("uploadDisplay_SP_reply_"+sid).innerHTML = '<img src="images/rolling.gif" width="30" height="30">';
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("stPic_reply", file);
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.addEventListener("load", completeHandler_reply, false);
ajax.addEventListener("error", errorHandler_reply, false);
ajax.addEventListener("abort", abortHandler_reply, false);
ajax.open("POST", "php_parsers/photo_system.php");
But here I can't add the $statusid
as a 2nd parameter next to event
function completeHandler_reply(event){
var data = event.target.responseText;
var datArray = data.split("|");
if(datArray[0] == "upload_complete"){
hasImage = datArray[1];
_("uploadDisplay_SP_reply").innerHTML = '<img src="tempUploads/'+datArray[1]+'" class="statusImage" />';
} else {
_("uploadDisplay_SP_reply").innerHTML = datArray[0];
_("triggerBtn_SP_reply").style.display = "block";
function errorHandler_reply(event){
_("uploadDisplay_SP_reply_").innerHTML = "Upload Failed";
_("triggerBtn_SP_reply").style.display = "block";
function abortHandler_reply(event){
_("uploadDisplay_SP_reply").innerHTML = "Upload Aborted";
_("triggerBtn_SP_reply").style.display = "block";
I've tried it but didn't work for me.
function completeHandler_reply(event,sid){